Certified Operator
New Source Approval Testing
WW Discharge Permit Sampling And Monitoring
Third Party Testing
Private Well Testing
Provide Consultation On Water Treatment Options
USDA Compliance Sampling
CALL NOW (520) 431-3284
Your Certified Operator:
The certified operator is the 'Operator of Record' for a public water system (PWS) as required by law as mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The job of a remote operator is to perform monthly compliance monitoring and reporting for the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) and provide consultation on operations and maintenance of your public water system.
New Source Approval Testing
All new Private Well Systems (PWS) are required to perform new source testing on any wells that will be used to provide the raw water for that system. New source testing is a comprehensive analysis to detect any constituents that may require treatment to make the water safe for human consumption as set forth by the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR), as mandated by the EPA which is empowered by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) of 1974.
Third Party Testing
I provide third-party testing for industrial and agricultural businesses. For example industrial facilities that qualify as a public drinking water system, agricultural businesses that require the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) monitoring. Realtors and their Underwriters, it's an industry standard that real estate sales involving a well on the property must be tested for primary contaminants minutes prior to the finalization of the sale.
Private well testing
Affordable packages available for private well owners whether it be a single owner or a shared well. Baseline testing for primary contaminants will indicate whether the well water is safe for you and your family to consume or may require treatment to remove constituents that may present significant health risks as defined by the national public drinking water regulations established by the EPA.
Water Treatment Options Consult
After preliminary testing for primary contaminants, I can advise my clients as to what the concerns maybe according to the lab analysis. I work with other Professionals in the water industry who can engineer a system to treat for any contaminants present and bring them down to safe levels as defined by the current primary drinking water regulations.